Mr. K K Suen

Mr. K K Suen has more than 35 years of rich experience and a senior Information Technology (IT) and Supply Chain Management (SCM) expert in Hong Kong.
Mr. Suen has a Master of Science (Eng) in e-Commerce from the University of Hong Kong. Mr. Suen has been a visiting lecturer at The University of Hong Kong and The Hong Kong Polytechnic University since 2011. Mr. Suen is one of the founding vice chairman of the Hong Kong Retail Technology Industry Association (HKRTIA); and Chief Architect and Principal Consultant of GS1 Hong Kong.
With extensive experience in information technology and industry knowledge, Mr Suen was invited to be members of various international and local committees and working groups.
• In 2004, Mr Suen was invited as the only representative from Asian organization in the Architectural Review Committee (ARC) of EPCglobal for Global Standards Development.
• Since 2006, he was invited as member of Expert Review Panel of The Hong Kong R&D Centre for Logistics and Supply Chain Management Enabling Technologies (LSCM R&D Centre).
• In 2016, Mr Suen was appointed as a Hong Kong member of the Guangdong-Hong Kong Informatization Expert Committee (粵港訊息化專家委員會) and became the Hong Kong convener of Area 4 (Internet of Things and Smart City Applications).
In addition, Mr Suen was providing advice and consultancy in supply chain operation efficiency and automation to various international and local organizations from retails, logistics, manufacturing, and healthcare sectors.